Life Beyond School Event
Aims and Objectives of event:
Today we invited local colleges, employers, local authority representatives, community support officers, providers, parents and carers to our Life Beyond School event here at Kingfisher. The aim for this event was to give young people, their parents and carers, the opportunity to meet with local providers, employers, and community groups (BM:2,5+7). To raise their aspirations, be able to ask questions, and to gather information. This is extremely inportant due the SEND difficulties our students face
The event ran from 1pm -3pm and the young people really enjoyed meeting new people and seeing the opportunities available to them in the local area.
Several year groups attended, each year group being given a 20 minute time slot to attend, and each group was supported by their teacher and a T.A.
Feedback and Outcomes:
There was a lot of excitement about the free pens, and other lovely freebies! Alongside this the young people asked lots of interesting questions and took prospectuses and leaflets home to find out more. The students stated that they enjoyed talking with so many different people, and that they had discovered new opportunities in the local area that they hadn’t been aware of before. All of our visitors stated that really enjoyed meeting and chatting with the young people and were very impressed by the interest that they showed.
Aspirations for next time:
The day was a great success, with more providers attending than in previous years. Our next event will be held earlier in the year to ensure that our Post 16 students are not on study leave, and earlier in the day so that other local schools within the same trust can attend too.