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Christmas Coffee Morning

We’d like to welcome Parents, Carers and families to our Christmas Coffee Morning in the main school hall between 10am and 12pm on Friday 20th December. There will be a selection of cakes, hot food...

Life Beyond School Event

Aims and Objectives of event: Today we invited local colleges, employers, local authority representatives, community support officers, providers, parents and carers to our Life Beyond School event here at Kingfisher. The aim for this event...

Coffee Morning

Dear Parents & Carers, We will be holding a coffee morning on Tuesday 18th June in the main school hall, from 9:30am till 11:00. Everyone is welcome. There will be a selection of cakes and...

Term Dates

To All Parents and Carers, Having looked at the term dates for next year and recognised that the Autumn term will be eight weeks followed by seven weeks if we continue to follow the Local...

Post 16 Charity Football Match

Our sixth-form students are completing their ASDAN awards and one of their tasks is to ‘organise a fundraiser’. The students have decided to organise a charity football match at Studley Sports Centre followed by a...

Spring Newsletter

Welcome to the Kingfisher newsletter. This is our opportunity to share with you some of the amazing things that our young people have done in school and out this term. What an incredible first newsletter...